Il tempo a Tioman e il periodo migliore per andarci

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Tioman is located in the tropical belt and the local weather is therefore tropical in nature. Temperatures are stable at around 30 °C throughout the year, but even so, the weather is divided into 2 seasons. The dry season and the monsoon season.

The dry season in Tioman

The dry season on Tioman is from May to September. This time is the main tourist season, as the weather is optimal and the weather conditions allow the local sea to be calm. It is clean and calm, thus ideal for snorkelling and diving.

Find cheap hotels in Tioman

Dry season doesn't mean it won't rain. It rains often, but practically only overnight and you won't encounter rain. It may be cloudy during the day, but sooner or later the clouds will part within a few hours and it will be beautifully sunny for the rest of the day.

Monsoon season in Tioman

The monsoons come to the eastern part of Malaysia in the months of October to April. During this time, although the temperature is still around 30°C on Tioman and it doesn't rain much, the seas are rough and waves commonly reach heights of 2 to 4 metres.

This often makes shipping unavailable and often cancels services as ships would not be able to dock in ports. Similarly, the sea is unsuitable and dangerous for snorkelling or diving.

In addition, most hotels are completely closed during the monsoon.

On the other hand, there is still a reason to travel to Tioman during the monsoon. That is surfing.


The best time to visit Tioman is in the months of June, July and August. Then the sea is guaranteed to be crystal clear and safe without strong currents and waves.

Especially in July and August, expect higher prices and a higher demand for accommodation, which is often sold out at the last minute. Book your hotel or resort early.

The months of May and September are also ideal. The only thing you need to expect is possible higher cloud cover, which tends to disappear during the day or retreat inland to the mountains.

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