One of the three beautiful botanical gardens of central Barbados can be found amidst the dense rainforest near the village of Sugar Hill.

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Flower Forest Botanical Gardens are, in our opinion, the most beautiful of all the botanical gardens in Barbados. They are situated in the sloping hills and the few grassy meadows with palm groves offer breathtaking views of the ocean and the east coast of the island.

The gardens are beautifully landscaped. Dense forests are interspersed with colourful blooms of local flora and airy meadows with freshly cut grass, palm groves, benches and breathtaking views.

Admission and transport

Pay to enter 15 usd / 30 bbd and open daily from 8am - 4pm.

Official website:

This botanical garden can be conveniently reached only by car. It is located in the middle of a forest about 2.5 km from the nearest village. The road leads along a narrow country road and the last kilometer along a well-groomed dirt road (the turn-off is signposted).

See a map of the route from Bridgetown on

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